First you're going to this address, click here
Enter your email address and security code
In front of the screen, enter the specified locations in the image correctly. After you have entered the information, press Continue to the next step.
In the next step we are going to do, if the MSN account registered according to the problem with a password if you can girebiliyorsanız and mail account on your personal computer.
Continue by selecting the option in the picture
Send yourself a password reset e-mail message, we need to continue with the tıklyarak.
On this screen, we have the right to the last step is to send a message to the last step, came close.
By clicking on the button Over the last phase of the operation sonlandırıyoruz. Later we're on MSN with MSEC is registered in our mailbox, click on the Mail address and.
Mail account after entering an email came from, such as in the following image.
After clicking on the incoming mail as coming from the screen
Come to the password reset page by clicking the link.
In this section, we mail our request, the first operation to reset paola address you are writing (type your own benimkidir, you are in the mail), and would Continue.
In this section, you can go to the hotmail address and a new password for the public, by showing the level of care you are specifying the password security, but do not forget that consists of letters and numbers, setting a new password and keep both are writing kısmada.
If you want to renew your password for Password expiration date, you may receive a new password by selecting the reminder for 72 days, but it's unnecessary:)
This section is important, if you forget your password on the screen in front of you in this new, completely, you can specify an alternate email address, that is, does this mean you will hear other e mail address you like, here are your güvenceniz you forget your password or if your password again here by others into breaking alternative to another e-mail address you type password reset request by sending it again. This part continues to move to the blank after the Skip button or.
Ta taaaam, operations is over, this section has all the processes Done by clicking on seçeniğini and create a new password, you have the last. "Learn more about protecting your account" option by clicking the mail address, you can get detailed information about how you can become more confident.
In case you forget your password later, completely Yazımızın yapacaklarınızla will give you information about, if you are not using a password saved in MSN and you don't remember the password you enter mail address for a long time, I'll tell you ways and tackle.
Here is a description of the process, if you don't remember the answer to your question and let the Security, because without knowing the answer to this need to make are not able to do anything.
First of all by going to, forgot your password? by clicking on this option at tool bar or directly from the process we come to the section address.
After you mark the option I forgot my password on the page that laid out the reset your password by clicking on the link to the new page altda.
We mail address on the page, and then from the new operation in the lower section by entering the security code we call next.
On this screen, select a security question and laid out security question coming to the screen we. From the screen to your secret question, the next step is a response to yazdıkdan and password screen after saying Next.
Choosing a secure password is password, such as in the above screen, and as a result we call Forward all transactions completed)
Forgetting to mention, Mail addresses settings on the mobile phone, Alternative mail address and security question very important points, the likelihood of a killer unutacağınız your days thinking about this information to enter, fully guaranteed.
Use “I forgot my password” and then press Reset your password. After that, they will send you a reset link on your secondary email account you provided the last time you register your hotmail account. If you don’t have a secondary email account, answer your security question.
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